We do a couple of things here:
- Hospitality Consulting – Susan grew up in a serious “Wine Family”, and spent 6+ years as Tasting Room Manager at one of the larger wineries in Woodinville, Washington. Aside from her wine background, she has a Hospitality degree from Cal Poly – Pomona. Gracious, friendly, organized, and sharp as the proverbial tack, she is helping new wineries and establishments get going without the expensive trial and error approach that can plague so many start-ups.
- Wine Blogging – Jim’s wine knowledge comes almost entirely from practice at figuring out what he likes. He has worked in a couple of tasting rooms in Woodinville, and given a multitude of wine education sessions, both professionally and on an amateur basis. He writes the blog pages on the website to make note of wines that have caught his attention in one way or another.